Magento 2
You can install the Khipu plugin for Magento 2 using Composer to set up Khipu as a payment method in Magento 2. Follow these instructions:
- Go to the root of Magento 2.
Run the following command to install the plugin:
composer require khipu/magento2-khipu
and wait while the dependencies are installed. -
Execute the following lines to enable the plugin:
php bin/magento module:enable Khipu_Payment --clear-static-content php bin/magento setup:upgrade php bin/magento setup:di:compile php bin/magento cache:flush
- Enable and configure the plugin in the Magento Administration, under Stores / Configuration / Sales / Payment Methods / Khipu. And you're done!! You can now receive payments with Khipu.
For more information, visit our Github page