HTTP Codes

Khipu services use standard HTTP status codes to indicate the success or failure of an API request. The 2xx range is used to indicate a successful response and that everything worked as intended, while 4xx is reserved for errors with the data provided in the request (missing or invalid authentication credentials, call to a non-existent resource). The 500 code means that an unhandled exception prevented the request from being processed on our end.

Code summary

HTTP Status Code
200 - OK The request has been processed and a valid response has been returned. Note that a response can contain an empty Data object and still be considered correct. Response with "OK" in the Status field.
202 - Accepted The request has been received and correctly passed to the asynchronous channel. The full response is delivered to the callback URL specified in the request. Response with "OK" in the Status field.
400 - Bad request The request could not be processed. The payload is probably malformed.
401 - Unauthorized Authentication header missing or invalid value.
404 - Not found The requested path does not exist on the server.
500 - Server error Something was preventing the request from being executed and an error was thrown by our platform.