Automatic Payment

This section details the steps required to use the methods for creating a subscription and requesting automatic payments.

Authorizing API calls


Regarding the authorization process of the Automatic Payment API, all calls must be sent with the special x-api-key header, using the API key provided by Khipu. Each method specification explains the use of this header in the Security section.

Simplified flow for merchants

It's easy to enable the automatic payment process for your customers, all you need to do is use the Subscription API to request a new Subscription ID to associate with the service you want to charge your customer for on a recurring basis. When the customer completes the enrolment process at their bank, you will receive a notification at the callback URL you provided when requesting the Subscription ID.

After a positive confirmation, you can start using the Charge API to send your automatic payment requests. The rest of the process is asynchronous and you will be notified when the settlement process is complete.

Sequence diagram

The next image shows a basic sequence diagram with the steps mentioned above.


After the last step, the rest of the process is identical to that of a regular payment, regarding clearing and transferring funds. See the Payment API documentation for details and examples.